10 maart 2011

30-day challenge

Ben ik weer ;)
Ik heb op Cynthia d'r blog een leuke 30-day challenge gevonden, en die ga ik dus de komende 30 dagen doen !
Deze is het ;
day 1. your favorite song.
day 2. your favorite movie
day 3. your favorite telivision program
day 4. your favorite book
day 5. your favorite quote
day 6. whatever tickles you fancy
day 7. a photo that makes you happy
day 8. a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9. a photo you took
day 10. a photo of you taken over then years ago
day 11. a photo of you taken recently
day 12. whatever tickles you fancy
day 13. a fictonial book
day 14. a non-fictonial book
day 15. a fanfic
day 16. a song that makes you cry
day 17. an art piece.
day 18. whatever tickles you fancy
day 19. a talent of yours.
day 20. a hobby of yours
day 21. a recipe
day 22. a website
day 23. a youtube video
day 24. whatever tickles you fancy
day 25. your day , in great detail
day 26. your week, in great detail
day 27. this month in great detail
day 28. this year in great detail
day 29. hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
day 30. whatever tickles you fancy.
Nou, ik hoop dat het me gaat lukken, en vanavond zal ik day 1 doen !
Tot vanavond !
xxx '

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